Home Important News Letter from the Hon Shaoquett Moselmane MLC

Letter from the Hon Shaoquett Moselmane MLC


Grateful For Your Kind Support

Dear Friends,

Many of you have called and written on Facebook and other forms of social media expressing your solidarity against the recent attacks on me as a result of which I tendered my resignation as Assistant President of the NSW Legislative Council.

I express my deepest gratitude to you and to so many of my parliamentary colleagues as well as Labor Party branch members and supporters across our multicultural communities.

It was 1982 when I first became involved in the Australian Labor Party. I never looked back. Labor remains the party of choice. It is the only party that continues to serve and represent our multicultural communities right across Australia.

I am proud to have made that decision.

Labor stands for justice, democracy and equality for all.

It is through the Australian Labor Party that we can advance the wellbeing and welfare of all Australians.

It is an honour to serve you. I will continue to serve you in state parliament no matter what the challenges are.

I thank you again and I hope that you and your families will have a happy and safe Easter.

I trust that you will take extra care during these tough times.

Yours faithfully

Shaoquett Moselmane MLC

NSW Legislative Council.

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